Our ambulances donated to Ukraine

Now that we have finished testing the ViruBustor system on the Mercedes Sprinter ambulance, we felt that it would do more good in Ukraine. We appealed for donations of medical equipment so that it wouldn’t travel down empty, and got an enormous response, so it was filled with around half a ton of banadages, syringes, tourniquets and countless other pieces of equipment in just a few days.
We also found a driver wiling to deliver it to a reliable help organisation at the border.

SVT visited as we were in the final stages of preparation : https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/uppsala/de-skickar-ambulans-med-sjukvardsmateriel-till-ukrain

Update January 2024 – we got such a huge response from our appeal that we ended up sending all our ambulances down to Ukraine, and used donations to buy more, so we have now sent down 21 vehicles, and have more on the way. If you want to help, you can donate here : https://www.ambulansertillukraina.se/donation